We finally broke down and bought a trailer to transport all of our toys. Trying to figure out which toys to leave home was stressful. Even when we left toys at home, we struggled to find space in the car for everything. Poor bug was packed into the back seat like a sardine.
After years of research we decided to go with a Space Trailer. It is utility trailer that comes with a water tight cover, and 80" cross bars. It was the only option we could find that could carry kayaks, bikes, and camping gear without having to put too much stuff in the car.

Our first outing was a weekend trip to Winslow Park in Freeport. We wanted to bring a full range of toys including Big Red, H's kayak, three bikes, as well as all of our camping gear. The trailer was perfect. We managed to get all of the camping gear, kayak gear, and bike gear into the trailer. The two kayaks and all three bikes fit on the racks.
The hook up to the car was effortless and the Outback pulled the trailer with easy. Driving forward was a breeze. Backing up, was less breezy. Parking was also tricky since our car, with the trailer, was now twice as long.
We drove up in the pouring rain and we got plenty of opportunities to park. We stopped for dinner, we stopped at LL Bean, and we spent a night at a hotel so we would not have to set up camp in the rain. Fortunately, every place we parked we managed to got a double sized pull through space. There was no backing up!!!
Camping was nice and relaxing. Winslow is a great campground for kicking back, We even got to do a short little kayak trip in Big Red.
Winslow is always a nice, relaxing trip with or without a trailer. Having every last bit of gear we own on hand definitely expanded our fun potential.
I cannot wait to take the trailer on a longer trip.