Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I think that daylight savings time is a dumb idea. The reasons proffered up for its existence are mostly bunk. In fact they did a study recently that showed that DST does not create energy savings; it causes a net gain in energy consumption.
I don't, however, let my dislike of the idea get in the way of my enjoyment of the extra hour of daylight in the evening. I get tired of going to and coming from work in the dark. I also hate the fact that winter paddles have to be shortened because it gets dark so early. The extra hour makes winter paddling much less of a rush job.
The end of the winter is in sight. The light of day is burning away the dark days.
In a few short weeks, RICKA will plan the summer paddles. The local pond will be warm enough for some quick weekend (possibly even after work) practice sessions. Can you feel it?

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