Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Winter Cometh

It is getting colder, days are growing shorter, and the water chills the bones. Winter looms. Kayaking days are scarce and therefore more precious.
Ironically, the volume of non-kayaking obligations grow also. The leaves need to be racked and bagged. The grass needs to be mowed. The gutters need to be cleaned. Friends and family schedule holiday gatherings. Work picks up in preparation for the holiday lull.
The kayaks have been sitting unused in the garage for weeks and I'm beginning to sense the gathering clouds of winter gloom. How to preempt the gathering darkness?
I still plan on kayaking at least once a month. I'm also planning to do some snowshoeing and some projects around the house. My plan also includes regular visits to the gym. I've got no faith in my actually getting to the gym. Toiling away on a spinning wheel in a neon lit dungeon is not spiritually satisfying. My body feels better, the malaise eases a bit, but the spirit doesn't feel better.
It is the energy of nature and friends that nourishes the spirit. Fortunately, the season offers plenty of opportunities for seeing friends and family. I plan on making the most of them (as well as the kayaking).

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